Angelic Reiki Workshops - Ula Boyle

Angelic Reiki 1 & 2 – Practitioner Level


The Angelic Reiki 1 & 2 Practitioner Level course is a deeply healing and unique system channelled by Kevin Core from Archangel Metatron.

During the 2.5 days of training, you will enjoy the gifts of Angelic Reiki attunement, knowledge and understanding required for the practitioner level. No prior experience or understanding in the field of Reiki or Angelic healing is needed.

How it works

You will be expertly guided through your own energy clearing, healing and connecting to the Angelic Kingdom of light. It is a very powerful healing weekend and most definitely worth investing in for self-healing and spiritual development, even if, at this point, you have no plans to do anything else with your newly acquired gift.

You will be attuned to the Angelic Kingdom at the level of practitioner which establishes a permanent connection with the Angelic dimension.  Specific attunements are gifted through the Angelic Kingdom of Light linking each individual to their own healing Angel/s. It will impart to the student, a complete system of healing used through the Angelic vibration, the Reiki symbols and sacred geometry.

You will learn how to channel Angelic Healing for yourself and others through hands-on healing and distance healing.

Following theory and attunement of Angelic Reiki, students are guided and supported with  ‘hands-on’ experience in this healing practice. This includes healing as a channel, healing with intention, healing with a Master and Galactic Healers and multi-dimensional healing. The workshop also includes how to attune spiritual tools such as crystals and essences.

Angelic Reiki will activate your Lightbody and enable you to merge more deeply with The Angelic Kingdom of Light. All spiritual teachings and energies are universally available to everyone. However, through his guidance from the Master Djwhal Khul and Archangel Metatron, and his great knowledge of spiritual principles and ancient teachings, Kevin Core has merged a unique and profound system of healing. This system has been named Angelic Reiki.

This Course will include:

  • Two Angelic Reiki cleanses and attunements.
  • One Archangelic initiation and blessing.
  • A definition and understanding of the nature of angelic energy.
  • The principles of clearing and dedicating space.
  • Six healing methods including self and distant healing.
  • Four practical healing exchanges.
  • Cleansing and tuning crystals.
  • The laws of healing according to the divine hierarchy as given by Djwhal Khul.
  • Full attunement to Angelic Reiki 1st and 2nd Degree which includes 8 Divine Multi-dimensional Symbols.
  • A complete Karma Cutting and Angelic Clearing prior to taking the attunement.
  • Hands-on healing experience, being a channel for healing energy through Healing Angels and the Reiki Symbols plus the first steps in Multidimensional Healing.
  • An attunement to the Angelic Kingdom of Light at the 11th dimension through the Archangel Metatron and Angelic Collective “The Mighty Sarim”. This involves an attunement given by 30 Archangels, the Chief Celestial Angel Princes.

This training is a powerful experience and lays the ground for the incoming Galactic Energy of the Ascension. It places you in your own Spiritual Power and Knowledge of yourself as the Ascended Master that you truly are.

For more information