Chakras and their secret to healing

Chakras and their secret to healing

Chakra Healing

The chakra system can reveal a lot about a person’s physical health, and emotional and mental wellness. Learning more about chakras and their secret to healing gives us an important spiritual tool to guide us through life.

Think of chakras as spinning wheels of energy positioned along the spinal column, from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. They are linked to the nervous system and are closely related to the endocrine system. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel and chakra healing has been understood and respected by ancient cultures for thousands of years.

Each chakra influences the health of our body systems and the emotional and mental aspects of our lives. If the flow of energy to one or more of the chakras becomes imbalanced (too much or too little) then illness and disharmony within the body and/or mind can develop.

These spiritual energy centres, or wheels, store divine life force energy and can tell us what we need to heal in order to restore vitality to our chakra system. When we practice chakra healing and the system becomes balanced, we can live our best lives.

If we learn to tune in to the chakra energies we can increase self-awareness and begin to understand the cause of disharmony and dis-ease within our bodies and our lives.

The chakras help us to access spiritual wisdom to clear and heal energy blocks that have been created from past or present traumas, inner fears, pain, limiting beliefs, and negative experiences.

When we work towards activating and aligning the chakras we move towards living life in the fulness of our potential. We enjoy an abundance of well-being:

  • good physical health and stability
  • joy, creativity, and passion
  • positive emotional health and harmonious relationships
  • motivation and confidence to achieve goals
  • authentic self-expression and effective communication
  • learning and expanding intellect
  • creating space for self-awareness and spiritual connection.

Chakras are a complex energetic bridge between our physical world and the spiritual dimensions. Once we unlock the secrets held within the chakras we can begin to understand and express our truest selves and find real purpose. Chakra healing is one of the greatest self-care gifts we can give ourselves.

Chakra healing offers us a deeper awareness of every aspect of our being. It can offer support, insight, and perspective on the experiences, meaning, and purpose of our life. We truly begin to know ourselves.

Chakras secret to healing - Sole Serenity Therapy

Root Chakra Muladhara. Red Colour, Base of spine

This is the chakra that gives us essential foundation and support. It affects how safe and secure we feel in our inner and outer worlds. The root/base chakra is all about survival consciousness and our belonging in the physical world.

When this chakra is balanced we feel grounded, safe, strong, and independent. We’ll enjoy good vitality and strong physical health. There’ll be an openness to financial abundance and we’ll trust that all our basic needs will be met. We will experience stability in our home, finances and our place in the world.

If the root chakra is unbalanced, we’ll feel anxious, depressed, insecure and fearful. We may feel restless and disorganised.

Physically it relates to the adrenal glands, legs, colon, and skeleton.

Sacral Chakra Svadisthana. Orange, lower abdominal area

The energy here affects our desires, passion, enjoyment, and sensuality. It is the centre of our creativity, emotional intelligence, and connection. 

When the sacral chakra is balanced, we have creative flow, healthy desires, flexibility, and freedom. 

With an imbalanced sacral chakra we feel emotionally withdrawn or stuck, guilty, disconnected from our passion and purpose, and fear intimacy.

The reproductive organs, lower back and kidneys are associated with this chakra.

Solar Plexus Chakra – Manipura. Yellow, upper abdomen.

This is the centre of our identity, power and confidence. This chakra holds our will, self-worth and personal strength.

If we have a balanced flow of energy to this chakra, we feel calm and confident, motivated, purposeful, and have a positive sense of self. We are able to assert ourselves and deal with challenges and pressure.

If we have imbalanced energy in the solar plexus, we may have low self-esteem or be competitive and aggressive. Self-control can be lacking and we may be inactive and indecisive. 

An energetic block in the solar plexus may manifest physically in the pancreas, digestive system, metabolism or muscles.

Heart Chakra – Anahata. Green, centre of the chest

The heart chakra is the bridge connecting the lower physical chakras with the upper spiritual ones. Its essence is love, compassion, resilience, joy, and forgiveness.

When we have a balanced heart chakra, we are loving, kind, content. Forgiveness and compassion come more easily and we enjoy the love of self and others and have healthy relationships.

If the energy flow in the heart chakra is out of balance we may become selfish, jealous, lonely, anti-social, isolated, unforgiving, disconnected, lacking in self-love, reject love from others.

Physical illness or disharmony may present in the thymus gland, respiratory system, heart, chest.

Throat Chakra – Vishuddha. Blue, base of throat

This is the energy centre that determines self-expression and communication. The ability to be heard and acknowledged. It’s how we give a voice to our identity, ideas, feelings and dreams.

When this chakra is balanced we have positive and authentic self-expression. Communication is easy and effortless. We are honest, empathic and speak our truth lovingly.

Out of balance, this chakra may cause poor communication. It can make us fearful of expressing or standing up for ourselves. We can feel misunderstood or invalidated. There may be a tendency to gossip or lie.

The physical areas of the body associated with the throat chakra are the throat and neck, mouth, thyroid gland.

Third Eye Chakra – Anja. Purple, just above the middle of the brow

The energy centre of intelligence, wisdom, memory and intuition. 

A balanced third eye offers mental clarity, intellect, a sense of oneness/higher power, clear intuition.

If this chakra is out of synch there may be a lack of concentration and imagination. Intuition is poor, prone to judging self or others, nightmares.

The third eye is associated with the pituitary gland, the brain, the base of the skull and the eyes.

Crown Chakra – Sahasrara. Violet, top of the head

The crown chakra is the connection to Source/Universe. It opens up a deeper understanding of ourselves beyond physical awareness. This chakra develops a higher state of consciousness. 

A clear crown chakra is an open channel for spiritual connection, divine wisdom, insight and higher purpose.

We may be overly logical and feel no sense of spirituality or purpose if this chakra is blocked. 

The physical is linked with the pineal gland, top of the skull, nervous system and skin.

The energy exchange (in and out) through the chakras is always flowing and changing. The energy flow may be too much (excessive) or too little (deficient or blocked) in one or more of the chakras. With regular energy clearing and chakra healing (meditation, reiki and other spiritual practices) balance can be restored.

We might however need some imbalance in the chakras for our spiritual growth. Certain experiences, health issues, relationships, and challenges may need to be faced for our soul contract. Regular chakra healing helps to clear unwanted energy and process difficult situations and emotions.

Chakra Healing - Sole Serenity Therapy

Aromatherapy is a lovely way to practice chakra healing and bring balance to the body and mind. Essential oils can easily be used to help with emotional, psychological and energetic healing.

Click here to book Reiki healing with Ula


Find out more in my next blog >>

What are Angels?

What are Angels?

Have you ever wondered what are Angels and what do they do?

I get asked these questions often, even by ‘non-believers’ and it seems that more and more people are searching for spiritual guidance and angelic healing, wanting to know how to communicate with these celestial beings.

Angels have been present since the beginning of time and are recognised in most spiritual traditions. There are many types of angels, all with specific roles and readily available to help us if we ask. They are divine spiritual beings of pure love and light, often referred to as God’s messengers who love us unconditionally and work only for our highest good. A person’s religious or spiritual practices are irrelevant as angels work with everyone regardless of their spiritual beliefs.

Your guardian angel, angels and archangels can help with guidance, healing and protection. Angels are multidimensional in nature, meaning they can be everywhere and with all of us at any time. Every single one of us is equal and worthy in the eyes of God (Source) and therefore angels see us as our true divine nature, our spiritual blueprint if you like and when called upon can assist us in becoming the best version of ourselves. They will answer the call of each and every one of us.

What are Angels Blog

The power of angelic communication and healing is in trusting your own experience of it, not trying to interpret and follow someone else’s. Whilst angelic information in books and any guidance or healing channelled by angelic healers is certainly valuable and can be a welcome source of inspiration, comfort and reassurance, trusting your own ability to connect with angels is truly empowering. Anyone can access angelic healing and communicate with these divine beings; you do not need special powers! The act of simply asking, silently or out loud for an angel to help you is all that is needed.

Angels may appear differently, depending on a person’s energy vibration or environment, the colour ray/frequency the angels belong to, the type of angel they are, the roles they have and the type of healing energy a person needs. Angels are not by our definition male or female; they are pure spiritual beings who have never incarnated upon earth so have no specific gender. They can present themselves to us though in a male/female form, or we will sense a more feminine or masculine energy. This is to help our perception and receptivity of them, as their true essence is far beyond what our human minds can comprehend.

Angels can assist you to receive illumination from God and your higher self so that this clarity, understanding, divine love and insight comes from your authentic spiritual self, not the earthly, ego-based self that is largely driven by fear and lower vibrational energy.

Angelic communication and guidance can be in the subtle form of intuitive promptings and divinely inspired coincidences, or it can be profound and instantly life-changing. One thing is for sure, once you acknowledge the loving presence of the angels a spiritual awakening begins and truly transformative healing can take place in all areas of your life.

The more you open your heart to the possibility and wonder of angels the finer your sensitivity to their signs become. I’m sure most people have heard “when a feather appears, your angel is near” Finding feathers, especially in unusual places is a common sign from angels, but there are lots of ways the angels can let you know they are around once you begin to connect with them.

What do angels bring to your life?

Ask yourself these questions:

Do you want to find a greater sense of peace or purpose?

Are you in need of physical healing? or want to create or maintain a healthy body?

Do you want to experience more joy and emotional wellbeing?

Would you like to nurture your mind with positive thoughts?

Do you need more clarity and creativity in life?

Would you like to feel inspired and motivated?

Do you want to feel more hope, love and gratitude?

Are there obstacles to be removed so your life flows with more ease and grace?

Do you feel spiritually lost or disconnected?

If you can answer yes to one or more of these questions…who can’t right? Then angelic healing and guidance can help you to clear these blocks to live your best life; a happy, healthy life that is in alignment with your highest self and soul plan. Angels walk beside us and can act as loving guardians as soon as we ask. They can help us to heal, bring a sense of comfort and protection for ourselves and loved ones and direct us on life’s path.

If you are feeling a little lost, confused or unsure how to begin communicating with angels, then you can try simple tools and techniques that can be used to get you started on your angelic healing journey and support you in opening up to daily angelic guidance.

If you would like to experience the magic of angelic healing meditation and learn how to develop an easy and effective angelic self-healing practise then check out my online course for beginners Ask the Angels – 7 Rays 7 Ways to Healing

So, what are you waiting for?

Ask the angels for help, support, guidance and protection. Chat to them as you would a friend, or imaginary friend! Even thinking of the angels and having thoughts of needing help holds a vibration that the angels can connect to. Open up a channel of communication, trust that your prayers, questions and thoughts will be responded to in the most loving way. If your curiosity takes you further and you’d like to learn more, the course introduces you to your guardian angel and 7 archangels using their colour rays (energy vibrations) to help you strengthen your connection with them and tune in to their specific healing qualities. The course covers all aspects of your wellbeing over 8 weeks (1 module a week) using 10-minute meditations, angel activation activities and daily practices such as guided meditations, visualisations, crystal healing, prayer and affirmations, dream work, journaling, automatic writing, gratitude and colour breathing to connect to each archangel individually.

Find peace knowing you are always held in the wings of angels!

With love & blessings,


What are Angels for